Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Week 78 - Feb 27, 2016

Week 78 - Feb 27, 2016
Jacob -
Hello, everyone! I am doing well this week. I am still in the same apartment, but my assignments and companion have changed. I am now companions with Elder Hellebrand, and he is very fun to be around.
I have been transferred back to the Church History Library which, if you remember, was the zone I was in when I first started the mission. Right now I have been assigned to adding more sources to the Church History missionary website. My evening zone is Research Essentials, which allows elders the opportunity to learn new skills on family history work, and then put those skills to work and help them find more about their lineage. Because some elders are tied up with other assignments during the day, this is the perfect opportunity for them to relax and get some research done.
That's basically it for me. I'm planing on cooking a pizza for dinner tonight, and the rest of the evening is a blur. Some say that sports is cancelled because there is an event in the cultural hall tonight. Some also say that sports will be held outside instead, but I'm skeptical on that claim.
Anyways, it sounds like you are all making the most of your time over there. I would love to get those pictures and, if possible, a copy of that homecoming talk. Thank you and have a good day!
Elder Derricott

Jacob -  I haven't seen anyone reply for over an hour. Is everyone alive?

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