Jacob: Hi, everybody! It sounds pretty hectic down there in Rexburg! I hope that you are doing all you can to stay safe and sound! Salt Lake has had quite a storm last night. I took a picture of it and I'm planning to send it to you later. Some of the storm drains were flooded and I was worried about getting back to our apartment! Fortunately by the time our evening zone ended the storm had let up enough so that it wasn't too serious.
I am very aware that I am reaching my year mark. I don't have anything planned, but during the fast Sunday when elders reach or are close to their year mark they have first priority of bearing their testimonies in Sacrament Meeting. We sure enjoy having such a nice ward here in the city!
As for work, I am going over some work I did previously and making some corrections and adding some sources I didn't add for the first pass. I predict it will be some time before we get to the second pass.
Take care and be safe!
-Elder Derricott
Tara: Hi son! I don't know if you will get this because we have spotty reception. I'm flag you were safe in the big storm and look forward to seeing pictures. Your work sounds really interesting. I am learning how to attach sources in family search... Is that similar to what you are doing?
Jacob: Yes, it is similar. Basically my day zone work involves missionaries from the first hundred years since the gospel has been restored. That's all I can say about it for now. This was taken during evening zone's break period. I don't know if you can see it, but the storm drains were flooded. Fortunately by the time we had to leave the storm let up.

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