Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Week 65 - Nov 25, 2015

Week 65 - Nov. 25, 2015
Hi, everyone. I'm writing you today because what would've been prep day is Black Friday. I have been doing a new activity on FamilySearch called "zoning." That's looking at old newspapers and creating zones for each section relating to deaths, births, and marriages. I would encourage you to do it too, but it's hard if you don't have somebody to show you. You could either go around asking if anybody knows how to do zoning on FamilySearch or just wait until I get back from my mission. I found some real gems, like the death record for the actual Oscar Mayer!
For Thanksgiving we have a nice dinner planned, plus watching Joseph Smith; the Prophet of the Restoration. When I saw it in the past, I recognized the Methodist preacher was the announcer for some old Church videos. Could you please tell me what his name was? On Friday we have a class on cleaning our apartments, then we're going to deep-clean our apartments. I still haven't moved out of the apartment. Seems like district leaders don't change apartments unless otherwise noted. We are also planning to see the lights on Temple Square and help out in the FamilySearch Center for the rest of the night. What are your plans for Thanksgiving?
I haven't gotten to do those cards, so I'm considering mailing them back as soon as the crowds die down for a while. I've felt that with my zone duties there aren't a whole lot of gaps in my schedule where initiatories could be done. But if there are any cards that need just endowments, I could do one each month.
Everyone's getting ready for the holiday season, too! The Church buildings are already putting up holiday decorations, and just yesterday the technician in our zone asked me to help him by downloading all the media library's Christmas videos onto a flash drive to plug into the big screen in the FSC's big TV screen.
Happy Holidays!

Tony: I think the Methodist Preacher's name is Tim Threlfall, according to IMDB:

Hi there! We are happily surprised to hear from you today. Sounds like you are doing good.  I've never heard about doing the zoning before... I will have to keep my eyes and ears open to learn more about it.  I loved hearing about your finding Oscar Meyer!  ☺️. Your Thanksgiving plans sound like fun. We are baking pies right now, planning on taking them to Preston tomorrow to eat with the Derricotts. There is supposed to be a big storm coming tonite, so I hope the roads will be good for driving. 

You can go ahead and send the temple cards back, or else give them to some other elders to get done.  I might send a few endowments for you to work on though.  

We are getting a box ready to send to you with a few Christmas decorations for your apartment.  Hope you like it!

Erik has been having a hard time lately. He is having a bit of depression and we are trying to help him with that.  He is going to talk to a counselor next week, and might be starting some medicine to help.  Don't worry about him, because he will be ok, but please remember him in your prayers and continue to write encouraging and loving things to him.

We are happy you are learning skills like deep cleaning! 😉. I'm sure it will be useful through your whole life!  We love you so much and are proud of the good things you are doing! I will send some pictures from Thanksgiving, and I hope you enjoyed the pictures from our trip!  Love you a bunch!   Mom

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