Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Week 60 - Oct 23, 2015

Week 60 - Oct 23, 2015
Jacob:  Hey, everyone! I'm doing alright. This week I have been learning a bit about leadership and how I could become a better leader. I hope that what I learn will help me become a better person in the future.
I got some melatonin a couple weeks ago, and it seems to be helping with my sleep a bit. I do, however, still need some special shampoo. I have noticed some dandruff in my hair for the past few weeks. I also seem to be the victim of losing water bottles, so could you please send one asap? Maybe you could find a way to etch or paint the name "Derricott" on it?
Last week my companion and I got on computers that suddenly shut down on us. They seemed to be the only ones that shut down in the entire library, and mine wouldn't turn back on until I removed my flash drive. I'm starting to doubt my technological skills. Thank goodness for auto-saving drafts!
This week has been pretty good. We had a couple special lunches; one was at the Lion House with a sister missionary who worked in our zone at the FamilySearch Center, the other was a farewell luncheon for some missionaries who were leaving. It was a sandwich luncheon, but for some heretofore undiscovered law of physics the cheese was gone faster than the meat. I also got a flu shot, so I should be safe from the flu for the next couple months.
I feel like this mission is blessing me with good comfort and health. Since the mission started I am starting to get a feel for my budget and how to make the most of spending.
Hope to see you all soon!

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