Jacob: Hi, everyone! How are you doing? What are your plans for the 4th of July weekend? Our day zones in the mission will be closed the day before, so we will probably be getting a schedule sometime next week of what exactly will happen.
Like I said before, the summer days are hot. I don't know if I said it before, but because it gets so hot out on summer days we wear white shirts in non-public areas like the Church History Library. However, we do have to wear suits in public places like Temple Square and our church.
I'm sure you heard that the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is going to be on tour for the next couple of weeks. This means that instead of performing in the Tabernacle there will be two special pre-recorded episodes of Music and the Spoken Word, one for each Sunday they'll be gone. After the Choir gets back, they will move to the Conference Center for the rest of summer.
I got the pictures of girls camp, and some of those pictures of what I did in the past. I think I remember most of those events, and it's great to know that I am thought of. I don't have any pictures to show you as of now, but I will try to get some shortly! Love you all!
Tara: Hi son! So good to hear from you! It's hot here too... Though not as hot as in your area. Tell us sbout you new mission president? I posted that last pic of you and Elder Teichert on Facebook. His mom was so happy to see it. She said that he hasn't figured out how to email pictures home, so I told her that maybe you could help him. It would be good if you could teach him how to do that.

Tara: We don't have big plans for Independence Day... Emily is going to march in the parade. I will take some pictures of it for you. Who is your new president, and have you had much interaction with him yet?
Jacob: Our new president is President Tate. We haven't had that much interaction yet, but we expect to talk more with our monthly interviews with the president.
Tara: I'm sure you will get to know him and love him,, just like President Workman. I haven't gotten that book for you yet, but am working on it. I miss you and love you. We pray for you every day and are so happy that you are loving your mission. Keep up the awesome work and continue to share your experiences with us. We love you!!!!
Jacob: As I sit here I was looking around the room, and I noticed some people with stickers with their name, the FamilySearch logo, and the words "1st Time Visitor" (not necessarily in that order.) It's nice to know that so many people are interested in their family history!
Tara: That is cool I just got a new calling as a ward family history consultant! I don't know what I need to do but I am excited to learn!!! Hopefully you will be able to teach me!
Jacob: I'm not sure I would know anything, I'm not a consultant.
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