Jacob Anthony Derricott
Due to General Conference, I can’t e-mail you at the regular time on Saturday. Instead I will do it today from 3:15-4:20 pm.
Tony Derricott
Looks like you got a new email address. Will this be the one you use from now on?
Jacob Anthony Derricott
Probably yes.
Tony Derricott
So, tell us about your daily routine now that you're assigned to the Church History Building.
Jacob Anthony Derricott
It hasn't been a week yet, but with General Conference this weekend, I thought I might write today instead. I also went shopping for two weeks instead of one, and I plan to do laundry later this week.
Today I got a basic overview with Elder Bowers, our CHL cartoonist. His CHL cartoon "Ned and Samantha," as well as some advertisements, are in various places around the building, and he even has plans to publish his works. I'm told that I might take his place in this building, but I want to go at my own pace at this.
I am excited to go to general conference. I'm told that speakers will speak in their native languages with English subtitles on the screen. It is starting to look like an interesting weekend ahead of me.
Hope to write again soon!
Tony Derricott
Do you have any examples of his cartoons? That sounds like a good talent that you could put to use. Take advantage of it if the opportunity arises!
Called to serve in the Family and Church History Headquarters Mission in and around Temple Square in Salt Lake City, UT from 2014-09-05 through 2016-09-04.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Elder Jacob Derricott
This week has been a good time for me. I got a new job working with mail and circulation in the Church History Library. On each floor there are pictures of Christ's ministry, as well as some from the life of Joseph Smith. I like to think of those stories behind them as I walk past them.
I am also doing something called "linking." Basically it's the process of making sure the records from FamilySearch match up with the images correctly.
My trainer, who is also my new companion, is Elder Rodriguez. He's from New York and has gone to Walt Disney World a lot of times. I feel like I am going to learn a lot from him, even though he is going to leave the mission field this November.
See you again soon!
This week has been a good time for me. I got a new job working with mail and circulation in the Church History Library. On each floor there are pictures of Christ's ministry, as well as some from the life of Joseph Smith. I like to think of those stories behind them as I walk past them.
I am also doing something called "linking." Basically it's the process of making sure the records from FamilySearch match up with the images correctly.
My trainer, who is also my new companion, is Elder Rodriguez. He's from New York and has gone to Walt Disney World a lot of times. I feel like I am going to learn a lot from him, even though he is going to leave the mission field this November.
See you again soon!
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Elder Jacob Derricott
These last two weeks have been a great opportunity for me to learn more about FamilySearch and all that individual people can do on it. My new work area will be in the Church History Library with Elder and Sister Beard. I will go there Monday, but I won't actually move out of the apartment until Wednesday.
We watched a video on missionary driving safety. It got my current companion concerned because some missionaries in our ward weren't excactly safe drivers (I won't go into details.) So our zone leaders talked to them and agreed that safer driving skills will be taken.
On another note, me and my companions are planning to go to the Ogden Temple re-dedication this Sunday. It already feels like such a long time since I left you guys, and I hope to hear from you again.
Tony Derricott <tonyderricott@gmail.com>
So, what will be your duties in the Church History Library, do you know? That's the one right next door to The Kimball, isn't it?
Do missionaries in your mission drive?
By the way, we need your favorite scripture for a plaque that Jasen Owens will be putting up in the foyer at the church. You didn't already give that to us, did you? If so, we need it again.
We sure enjoy hearing from you each week and think of and pray for you often.
Elder Jacob Derricott
I don't know my duties yet, but I hope that I will starting Monday.Missionaries do drive, but it's interesting because both the driver and the co-pilot have to have their licences.
The scripture that I would like on my plaque is St. John 15:13, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Tony Derricott <tonyderricott@gmail.com>
Have you thought any more about whether you'd like a camera?
Elder Jacob Derricott
Yes, I would like a camera (probably for a birthday gift.)
Tony Derricott <tonyderricott@gmail.com>
How about some sort of a CD or MP3 player, too?
Elder Jacob Derricott
Sure, but only if you send some sort of speaker so that others can know what I'm listening to.
These last two weeks have been a great opportunity for me to learn more about FamilySearch and all that individual people can do on it. My new work area will be in the Church History Library with Elder and Sister Beard. I will go there Monday, but I won't actually move out of the apartment until Wednesday.
We watched a video on missionary driving safety. It got my current companion concerned because some missionaries in our ward weren't excactly safe drivers (I won't go into details.) So our zone leaders talked to them and agreed that safer driving skills will be taken.
On another note, me and my companions are planning to go to the Ogden Temple re-dedication this Sunday. It already feels like such a long time since I left you guys, and I hope to hear from you again.
Tony Derricott <tonyderricott@gmail.com>
So, what will be your duties in the Church History Library, do you know? That's the one right next door to The Kimball, isn't it?
Do missionaries in your mission drive?
By the way, we need your favorite scripture for a plaque that Jasen Owens will be putting up in the foyer at the church. You didn't already give that to us, did you? If so, we need it again.
We sure enjoy hearing from you each week and think of and pray for you often.
Elder Jacob Derricott
I don't know my duties yet, but I hope that I will starting Monday.Missionaries do drive, but it's interesting because both the driver and the co-pilot have to have their licences.
The scripture that I would like on my plaque is St. John 15:13, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Tony Derricott <tonyderricott@gmail.com>
Have you thought any more about whether you'd like a camera?
Elder Jacob Derricott
Yes, I would like a camera (probably for a birthday gift.)
Tony Derricott <tonyderricott@gmail.com>
How about some sort of a CD or MP3 player, too?
Elder Jacob Derricott
Sure, but only if you send some sort of speaker so that others can know what I'm listening to.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Tony Derricott <tonyderricott@gmail.com>
Hey, Jacob.
We've been thinking of you a lot this week. Last night we had a Napoleon party with a few friends in the ward. We ate tater tots (and other things) and watched the movie. Some people had never seen it before. Can you believe that?
Here's some questions I've been jotting down and I thought of them this week. I'm not sure if it's easier for you to answer them in one email or if I should send them in separate messages as I think of them then let you respond to them when you get a chance. I assume you can only really do that on Saturday afternoons, right? Anyway, here's the questions for now:
Do other missionaries have cameras?
We exercised without you for the first time Monday and continued all 5 mornings this week. Are you doing daily exercises of some sort?
How's your cooking going?
Did you take your FitBit? Your connector is still in your laptop.
How are you eating?
How are you sleeping?
Campus and town began to get really busy again yesterday as classes start on Monday. It's frustrating dealing with traffic and exciting all at the same time.
Just keep swimming!
Elder Jacob Derricott
I am doing just fine with everything. I decided not to take my FitBit because the batteries were expensive.
Elder Jacob Derricott
This past week I have learned to look over the names that other indexers have posted and build our family tree around those names. Some of those names were frustrating because they were either misspellings of previous names, did not have matching details, or were otherwise attached to the wrong tree. However, I feel confident that if I were sent onto FamilySearch on my own I would do a pretty good job by myself. I also got the opportunity to do baptisms and confirmations for six of the people who I found links to. I feel like I have already accomplished something here. It helps me keep focused on the spiritual side of my mission. I have learned a lot in the past week, and I am eager to work hard for this mission. I hope to talk again soon.
Hey, Jacob.
We've been thinking of you a lot this week. Last night we had a Napoleon party with a few friends in the ward. We ate tater tots (and other things) and watched the movie. Some people had never seen it before. Can you believe that?
Here's some questions I've been jotting down and I thought of them this week. I'm not sure if it's easier for you to answer them in one email or if I should send them in separate messages as I think of them then let you respond to them when you get a chance. I assume you can only really do that on Saturday afternoons, right? Anyway, here's the questions for now:
Do other missionaries have cameras?
We exercised without you for the first time Monday and continued all 5 mornings this week. Are you doing daily exercises of some sort?
How's your cooking going?
Did you take your FitBit? Your connector is still in your laptop.
How are you eating?
How are you sleeping?
Campus and town began to get really busy again yesterday as classes start on Monday. It's frustrating dealing with traffic and exciting all at the same time.
Just keep swimming!
Elder Jacob Derricott
I am doing just fine with everything. I decided not to take my FitBit because the batteries were expensive.
Elder Jacob Derricott
This past week I have learned to look over the names that other indexers have posted and build our family tree around those names. Some of those names were frustrating because they were either misspellings of previous names, did not have matching details, or were otherwise attached to the wrong tree. However, I feel confident that if I were sent onto FamilySearch on my own I would do a pretty good job by myself. I also got the opportunity to do baptisms and confirmations for six of the people who I found links to. I feel like I have already accomplished something here. It helps me keep focused on the spiritual side of my mission. I have learned a lot in the past week, and I am eager to work hard for this mission. I hope to talk again soon.
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Elder Jacob Derricott <elder.derricott@gmail.com>
I want you to know that I had a good first day on my mission. I met my trainers Elder Menke and Elder Perkins along with another new missionary, Elder Warden. We got situated in our new apartment and it already feels like a lifetime since I saw you. On our first P-day I learned the hard way that you need a partner with you when you shop, even if you don't necessarily get the same food. We also saw some people dressed up for ComiCon, and some of them even asked us if we planned to go. We told them no, because we feel more obligated to serve our mission full-time. Hope to see you again in 2 years.
Elder Jacob Derricott <elder.derricott@gmail.com>
Also, grandpa Delmar Derricott shows up in FamilySearch with no apparent baptism or temple work visible. As part of my new job it is my duty to know if that work has been done and, if it has, why it doesn't show in FamilySearch. Tell me as soon as you can.
Tony Derricott <tonyderricott@gmail.com>
I think Delmar might have 2 different record numbers that need to be merged. I'll look closer when I get home.
Elder Jacob Derricott
I merged them on the first day, but they still need that missing information.
Tony Derricott <tonyderricott@gmail.com>
OK. I'll look again when I get home.
On another note, if we get you a camera do you have access to a place to insert an SD card? Or do you need a USB connection or what?
Elder Jacob Derricott
For as far as I can tell, it's mostly USB. I figure it will be easier that way.
Tony Derricott <tonyderricott@gmail.com>
So how long do you get to be on the computer doing email today?
Elder Jacob Derricott
I expected 1 hour, but this mission is kind enough to let us do 2 as long as we don't abuse that right.
Tony Derricott <tonyderricott@gmail.com>
So will it be the same 2 hours every Saturday?
Elder Jacob Derricott
Elder Jacob Derricott
Here is what Mom says:
"Dear elder Derricott, we were so excited to hear you had a good first day!!! We sent a quick note to you in the mail that you should get in a day or two. Is there anything you need us to send you? As soon as we get home we will send you the information about grandpa Derricott. All his work has been done, but somehow his church records are messed up. Maybe you will be able to fix it! We love and pray for you! Love mom"
Elder Jacob Derricott
Did you attend the Peach Festival?
Tony Derricott <tonyderricott@gmail.com>
We drove through the Peach Festival but decided not to stop. We were tired and ready to roll for home.
I want you to know that I had a good first day on my mission. I met my trainers Elder Menke and Elder Perkins along with another new missionary, Elder Warden. We got situated in our new apartment and it already feels like a lifetime since I saw you. On our first P-day I learned the hard way that you need a partner with you when you shop, even if you don't necessarily get the same food. We also saw some people dressed up for ComiCon, and some of them even asked us if we planned to go. We told them no, because we feel more obligated to serve our mission full-time. Hope to see you again in 2 years.
Elder Jacob Derricott <elder.derricott@gmail.com>
Also, grandpa Delmar Derricott shows up in FamilySearch with no apparent baptism or temple work visible. As part of my new job it is my duty to know if that work has been done and, if it has, why it doesn't show in FamilySearch. Tell me as soon as you can.
Tony Derricott <tonyderricott@gmail.com>
I think Delmar might have 2 different record numbers that need to be merged. I'll look closer when I get home.
Elder Jacob Derricott
I merged them on the first day, but they still need that missing information.
Tony Derricott <tonyderricott@gmail.com>
OK. I'll look again when I get home.
On another note, if we get you a camera do you have access to a place to insert an SD card? Or do you need a USB connection or what?
Elder Jacob Derricott
For as far as I can tell, it's mostly USB. I figure it will be easier that way.
Tony Derricott <tonyderricott@gmail.com>
So how long do you get to be on the computer doing email today?
Elder Jacob Derricott
I expected 1 hour, but this mission is kind enough to let us do 2 as long as we don't abuse that right.
Tony Derricott <tonyderricott@gmail.com>
So will it be the same 2 hours every Saturday?
Elder Jacob Derricott
Elder Jacob Derricott
Here is what Mom says:
"Dear elder Derricott, we were so excited to hear you had a good first day!!! We sent a quick note to you in the mail that you should get in a day or two. Is there anything you need us to send you? As soon as we get home we will send you the information about grandpa Derricott. All his work has been done, but somehow his church records are messed up. Maybe you will be able to fix it! We love and pray for you! Love mom"
Elder Jacob Derricott
Did you attend the Peach Festival?
Tony Derricott <tonyderricott@gmail.com>
We drove through the Peach Festival but decided not to stop. We were tired and ready to roll for home.
Friday, September 5, 2014
Drop-Off Day
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In front of apartment with new companion and trainers. |
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Elder Menke (trainer), Elder Derricott, Elder Perkins (trainer), Elder Walden (companion?) |
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The orientation meeting in the Joseph Smith Building. |
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Getting pinned. "Don't stick me!", he seems to be saying with his unique body language. |
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With President Workman. Notice that the name tag is on the right, unlike "proselyting" missionaries. This is so they can be told apart when they're walking through Temple Square. |
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The final family photo. We all tried to regain our composure after shedding a few separation anxiety tears. Jacob seems the least able to gain said composure at this moment. |
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