Brother and Sister Derricott,

My name is Gil Rodriguez. I am the father of Elder Rodriguez who is the trainer of your missionary. I felt impressed to reach out to you. Elder Rodriguez has been out 22 months and is nearing the end of his two year service. He was very nervous about being called to train, but also very honored. It has only been a short time thus far, but Elder Rodriguez has reported really liking Elder Derricott. He reports that the two of them get along well and have fun. As may be the case with your missionary, ours is on the Autism Spectrum with Aspergers. So it is a huge blessing that he is even able to serve in this mission. I can report that the first three months Elder Rodriguez pretty much kept to himself and did not socialize much. But not sure what, but something happened and that brought him out of his shell. He is a very kind hearted and sweet man. He has a huge heart, and wants to see others happy. I believe he will make a great trainer. When Elder Rodriguez emailed me to inform me he had been called to train, I told him that this was the Lords way of allowing him to finish his mission exhausted. That he is a great missionary, but to let Elder Derricott see his BEST. For how he is as a trainer will set the foundation as to how he will be the rest of his mission. Elder Rodriguez is a follower of the rules. He needs and uses them as guide posts to stay on the right path. He does not deviate from them. His 22nd birthday is coming up soon, at the end of the month and we are getting things together to send him in celebration. I wanted to include some fun things for Elder Derricott also. Might you make some suggestions on things he likes, maybe candies. Elder Rodriguez told me he is a Disney fan also. Our family is BIG Disney fans. We have been to Disney World many times and have loved it every time. So maybe a favorite character, shirt size something we can include for your missionary.
I can tell you for us the first six months was the hardest having our missionary away. It just seemed to get easier after that. He is in a great place and is being watched. Not just by your Father in Heaven, but by many of his servants around him. The 600 senior couples absolutely love these young Elders, so they are being watched all the time. If you would like to talk I am open to that, just let me know and I will send you my phone number. I hope this letter finds you well and happy.
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