Jacob - Hello, everyone! This week has been pretty good. My arm is actually doing very well, and I don't need a cast. The doctor told me and Elder Nash that fortunately the break was in place, so it's actually healing by itself. He recommended that I take the arm out of the sling and before I went home, I should try to see if it has as large a motion range as my good arm. If not, we may need to look into some therapy...
I also got the care package you sent, and it's nice to know that you all care about me and are looking out for me.
have had a few jobs here in the library. One of them is a second check
on how B2 books show up on the library's catalog. Sometimes it's a
simple fix like if the call number or bar-codes don't match up. Other
things like a broken or incorrect book are sent to the Inventory team
for fixes.
I have noticed a grayish tint over the skyline, maybe it's smog?
I haven't heard about the fire in Hamilton, but I'm glad that all of you are safe.
am excited to get back, but at the same time I will miss everyone here
on the mission. I hope for the best for you and for them. I hope to talk
to you again soon!
Sincerely, Elder Derricott
Tony - Keep exercising that arm as much as you can.
Jacob - I will work on my arm as much as time allows, but the doctor tells me to
stay away from doing any heavy lifting until the arm is healed.
Tony - But you can still do light and medium lifting. :)

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